Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Few "How To" Watercolor Youtube Videos of Mine

This first video isn't so much a "how to" as it is just an idea for a beginner. Small brush with well diluted paint making short repetitive brush strokes...

This next one is an easy "how to" to make watercolor bubbles. Be sure to use diluted color (almost runny), and only enough water on the brush to fill the bubble... too much water is a watercolor paintings worst enemy - in my limited experience anyway!=)

And this last one is how I paint detailed tree trunks using watercolor. I apologize that the video is grainy... this was actually the fourth tree painting I had recorded and although it was still flawed, was the best out of 4. Practice makes... better!:) 

Thank You for checking them out!! If you have any questions or a suggestion for a "how to" video, leave me a comment and I'll do my best to reply!=) 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How I Know God Loves me

Do you ever feel like we may take many, many things for granted when it comes to God and the glorious creation He bothered to give us? I know I do. There is so much beauty put in place to keep us awestruck and reminded of His attentiveness, His eagerness to show us the depth and magnitude of His love. My daughter (7 years old) does the narrating in the video below, and hearing her repeat the dialogue makes this mommy's heart leap at the thought that throughout her life, whatever she's going through or wherever she's at she will be reminded of the simple words proclaiming the allurement that didn't have to be, but is just because "God loves me".