Sunday, March 27, 2016

Why I probably should be selling Norwex...

When you live in a new housing development during a wet season, you can have ALL the mud you could ever want for free, but grass will cost you extra... 
When your man works an outdoor job that involves kneeling, crawling, laying, and standing in mud... He'll bring home ALL the mud you could ever desire... 
When your kiddo's favorite bakery shop is outside in the nearest mud puddle (where she's the baker of course) you'll get those mud pies served up on a silver plater... a dripping, silver plater... 
When your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat without any dignity at all, she will bring you every last bit of mud your little heart could ever ask for...

Oh mud. You learn to love it, and then you buy Norwex!

The Norwex cloths and the micro cleaning Hand Pads have got me out of a pickle a time or two, plus a thousand... When the boss man/landlord calls up and says he'll be dropping by the next day, and you've taken a "happy kid, not-so-spotless home" approach to housecleaning during the muddy season... one might just panic - but not if you've got Norwex! 
When your husband comes home after a long, strenuous day on the job, his hands are full of everything he has had to tote back and forth from work, and he uses his mud covered boots to push the door closed...every day... your door starts to take on this rustic, wild west, art speckled... 
Dirty; it looks dirty, ok?!!!;) 
 I don't mind really. Who am I to complain about a little splatter when he's been drenched in it for over 12 hours... 
But when it comes to cleaning it up, I sure am not going to be dragging out a bucket of hot bleach water, a rag, my dish gloves, and scrubbing until my neck is sore and my elbows are dripping 
- no sir-y. 
I am going to wet down my chemical free Micro Cleaning Hand Pad from Norwex and wipe off that mud - in under 2 minutes, easy!   


Oh and the permanent marker on the wall under our dry erase board - soapy water wouldn't cut it, bleach water wouldn't cut it; hiding it was impossible... all of which I, shamelessly, tried...
 But with the Hand pads? Permanent marker doesn't stand a chance! Mmmhmmm, breathe that sigh of relief. That permanent marker is comin' off! 

Same goes for the toaster below... This poor toaster is 11 years old. I got it as a housewarming gift from my parents when I moved into my first apartment... it has seen better days. All the packaging, moving, toasting, it has seen over the years has done a number on it. And I had tried, and tried to scrub this poor thing up... soapy water was a joke; those green scratch sponges only made it look that much worse - nothing I used would polish it up...for years... until I got my Hand Pads in the mail! Now it look brand spankin' new!      



If you think the Hand pads seem cool, you HAVE to hear about the Microfiber cloths!! Trust me, your counter tops, your cupboard doors, your polished furniture, have never looked as good as they will when you use your Norwex cloths on them! No chemicals to drag out, spray on, and then wipe off and wipe off and wipe off until the residue is mostly gone - nope! Just hot water and your cloths - no residue, no water spots - just clean!! And once you've seen how easy the Microfiber cloths make your daily clean up, you will have to order yourself a Window cloth to use. These cloths are not only for your windows, but for your bathroom mirrors as well.
So if your daily, bathroom vanity wipe-down consists of window cleaner, multipurpose cleaner, cleaning gloves, and a couple of rags... you are working waaay too hard! You need a microfiber cloth, and window cloth...  Wanna know how it works chemical free? I thought you might!!;) Check out one of their youtube videos here.

So I should probably be selling Norwex products, because I LOVE them so crazy much... but I'M NOT, so you can take all of the above as a simple, honest to goodness, public service announcement. You need these chemical free products to help make your living environment that much safer and to make your life way more simpler. You won't be disappointed - I promise!! :)

Do you have any questions about the products? I just might be able to help you find the answers, so ask away!!:) 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

A couple of things we can't forget to teach our younger kids...

Never play with fire, no running with sharp objects, don't talk to strangers... The "do's and don'ts" of safety go on and on, but there are a few things more that we must not forget to teach our young kiddos...

"Don't panic":  This is vital to their safety. Fear can render an individual, especially a young one, completely helpless, motionless, breathless, and thoughtless. Be sure to take advantage of the next unnecessary freakout session your little one has to help them gain composure in crisis. As long as he/she is not in ANY danger, instead of snatching them immediately out of their imagined emergency - get down to their level, look them in the eyes; with a very calm voice tell them they are okay, tell them you are not going to let anything hurt them, tell them that they must calm down to make the screaming, crying, and kicking stop... Then describe to them their situation - explain in terms they can understand. Explain why they are not in any immediate danger. Show them a solution to their problem. If the solution is not something your child wants to do, but can do, don't miss out on this opportunity to teach perseverance... it may save their life someday.

"Defense": Teaching a child "stranger danger" is only the first step to them knowing what to do in case of an abduction. You may have to "take one for the team" while teaching them "defense", but if it proves necessary in the future, you'll know it was well worth it. Teach your child: how to smack an attackers nose (palm forcibly in an upward motion); how to bite the attackers hand if the attacker covers your child's mouth; to never stop kicking, screaming, biting, pinching, wiggling... Remind them anything they can think of is the "right" thing to do in this case, and that they won't be at all in trouble for protecting themselves - no matter what. It may seem like teaching these moves will open the door to scary thoughts or nightmares, but if you can teach your child these things with a lighthearted wrestling/tickling match with lots of laughing, squealing, and fake knockouts - long before bedtime - the useful lessons learned will far outweigh the risk of nightmares.

"How to call for help": When we were kids, our parents made us memorize the numbers "9,1,1", right? They told us, if we were in an emergency to call that number... But in this day and age, that just won't cut it. If you don't have a landline, and even if you do, but also have a cellphone, your child needs to know the steps to unlocking your phone, finding the right button, what numbers to push, and then - don't forget to hit "call" or whatever the process is... Practice, practice, practice is the key. In addition to knowing "911", have them practice calling a family member/friend or dial a number for you before you make a call. You never know when this information will become absolutely essential to their safety.

"Direction": As adults we HATE to be lost in any way, shape, or form. How much more would that overwhelming anxiety be felt to a small child... A fun way to teach your child "direction" is to have them be your "backseat driver" whenever the opportunity arises. Have them tell you which way to turn at every stoplight/stop sign, what road markers to look for, and which way is home during the entire trip. It is so very tempting to put them in their booster-seats, throw on their headphones and movie, and run that errand, but giving your child the peace of mind of at least knowing where they are in case of an emergency will be worth every ounce of effort in the long run.

"What to do when the fire alarm goes off": Fire alarms are the worst possible noise imaginable and to the sensitive ears of our kiddos, it is so much more so. Often times our children's natural reflex upon hearing the horrendous sound of the fire alarm, is to run and hide under something that blocks the sound (pillows, blankets, closed closet doors). If you do have a fire in your house, having a child hiding in an unusual place makes it significantly more difficult to find them, but having them hiding and holding their ears makes it nearly impossible to get any response from that child at all. This makes it extremely time-consuming to locate the little one. We have to instill the new reflex of running outside when he/she hears the alarm. Remember practice or "drills" in this case makes "perfect". Not only do we want our little ones to run outside in case of fire, but we need them to know to leave the door open behind them (so outdoors is the first place the guardian knows to look for them), but also where outside to run too. We don't want them running into a busy street or hiding in the shed (as it too may catch on fire). We need them to run to a particular place so that we know right where to look for them. Once your child realizes that the noise is nearly obsolete outside, this drill becomes easier and easier to remember.

Better to be safe than sorry, right? Thanks for reading! 
What safety tips do you teach your little one(s)? I'm sure we will all benefit from your feedback!! :)


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

25 Days of Soul Therapy

Do you know, all too well, the physical pain that comes with endless anxiety, stress, and depression? The ache deep down in you heart that reaches up through your shoulders, clinches around your neck, and shoots migraines up into the crown of your head? Me too. I was fortunate enough to live under this physical duress just long enough to search out and find varying degrees of soul therapy. I've listed below 25 ways to pull yourself out from under the weight of your current situation - ways to be among the trials, but not submersed in them. 
I've broken this list up into "days" so that as you are reading through it, it won't seem like an overwhelming "to-do" list, but rather a healthy dose of a daily multivitamin. 

(I apologize for the bossy tone that is inferred in a few of these thoughts. I wanted to be short, and to the point, as to not overwhelm the reader with any lengthier of a commentary than was necessary.)

Day 1. Reread the inspirational quotes you've pinned on Pinterest. If you haven't made an inspirational quotes board - make one and get to pinning. Sometimes a self-help blog is too much, an entire book is completely out of the question, but a quote from someone whom you admire, who has been through the darkness, who has come out the other side, and is reaching their hand back to you with kind words to help you forward... the soul can handle that.  Happy Pinning!

Day 2. Write your future self a letter. No typing allowed. Get out a piece of paper and your favorite pen, and get to work. Write to yourself about how you are finding joy; how you are able to be grateful in the difficulties. Write about what is praiseworthy, and/or brings you hope. You may have to dig deep and start small. You may have to doodle a flower on the margin simply to see something pretty and happy. That's ok. Doodle away. Scribble if need be, if it describes you or your present mental state. Write to yourself how joy is coming; even if you don't know how it's coming or from where - it is coming. Remember the flowers often endure a beating from the rain, but the nourishment is quick to follow. Tell yourself how much stronger you are now than when this trial started... Do you feel weaker, not stronger? You're not. What you feel is the aftermath of a good spiritual workout - you are tired and you feel fatigued, but you ARE stronger than you were before. Tell your future self that you are going to get through this... Come rain and high water - you are marching to higher ground! Tuck your finished letter into a secure place, where you will be able to revisit it's contents again, perhaps once you've reached the mountaintop transcending your current valley.

Day 3. Do simple muscle relaxation techniques. One of the main reasons a person becomes drained or develops varying levels of depression, is that he/she has been through a situation or a series of situations that has caused them severe stress or fear. Sometimes the body will use a coping mechanism known as the Fight-or-flight response which among other things produces - "increased muscle tension in order to provide the body with extra speed and strength"... The downside to this mechanism is that unless you mentally tell yourself you are not fighting or fleeing, and that those muscles need not trigger this response, your muscles will remain under intense tension. Try focusing on the different muscle groups all throughout your body from your furrowed eyebrows to the tips of your curled toes, tell them to relax, and release the tension... remember to breath in deep and exhale slowly with every muscle group. 

See, and Mind Over Medicine at

Day 4. Decorate your house and workplace (if possible) with great handwritten words. Do you have an uplifting Bible verse, or a favorite saying? Write them down and tape them to your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, remote control... anywhere you will see them often. Then, choose words such as "love", "peace", "joy", "contentment", "strength"... write them down as well, and put them up wherever possible. You are so much more likely to read and reread these words if they are handwritten. These words are so very powerful! For instance, you won't be able to read the word "peace" without (even if only for a split second) feeling it's calming effects. Could you use a little more "hope", "grace", "quiet"...? Spread them around your house and watch your feelings react to them throughout the day. This will truly be a monumental gift to yourself and to your family, as they too will benefit from the power of these words.   

Day 5. Throw something away. Everything in your possession takes a little piece of your physical energy... You may think - whatever it is - is just sitting there without consequence, taking up space, but it is doing so much more than that... Not only does every possession require maintaining, or cleaning, or space, but every time your subconscious comes in contact with any item, it induces an unprovoked feeling of either good or bad. Do you feel depleted; out of energy? Think of all the items in your possession - that's a lot of energy usage right there. Give your life a quick audit. What things are worth your energy? Keep those... and OUT with the rest. You don't have to do all of your spring cleaning today, but choose something that doesn't make the cut, and let it go. Maybe choose something tomorrow and the next day and the next until you start to feel your "energy balance" be in the black again.

Day 6. Blow bubbles. If you don't have bubble solution on hand, you can make some with lightly diluted dish soap... For a wand, a simple bread-tie, or even your cupped hands will do. One of the main keys to soul therapy is learning to breathe. You are learning to be in stress, but not allowing it to become a part of you. The crisis or stress must remain external. This is your first line of defense against further crisis, such as a weakened immune system, loss of sleep, unexplainable aches and pains... Push the stress out by - you guessed it - blowing bubbles! Take a deep breath, blow into that bubble all of the cares and anxieties and fears and pain. Watch them slowly form, break free, and be on their way. Look at how beautifully that stress, stretched and formed and colored that bubble... and now it's gone. You have released that pain from deep down in your bones. Your body is free to heal and nurture itself, and grow strong once again.

Day 7. No stinking thinking. The world is full of sadness, and despair... drama at every turn... Today - you are gifting your mind the gift of peace... Switch off the news. Don't click on that painful article... For today, whatever will be, will be. Replace those things with something beautiful, relaxing, joyful, inspiring... Or with just - quiet...  Listen to the breeze in the leaves or a wind chime. Go for a drive without the radio on. Shut off your phone. Give your brain a chance to reboot. Empty out the brain-trash that has been cluttering up the place, unnecessarily. You not only deserve a little peace - you require it. Gift it to yourself today.  

Day 8. Stretch. Many of us are not able to do the recommended exercises that can help alleviate stress and anxiety, but perhaps simple muscle stretches can be just what we need to release that anxiety and breathe a bit easier. Put on some calming music if you'd like, and then stretch up to the ceiling, down to the floor, side to side, reaching over your head with the one arm and then the other way with the other arm. Stretch out your wrists and your fingertips. Get up on your tippy-toes if you are able. Stretch every muscle you can, remembering to take in deep cleansing breaths. Exhale the old and stale, breath in the new and refreshed. This helps your mind concentrate on something mentally easy for a few minutes.

Day 9. Press a flower in a book. You may have to go to the store and buy a bouquet. That's ok. You'll be glad you did... Find the perfect page in a book that has gotten you through the tough times in the past... made you a better person... brought you hope, or encouraged you in some way... Yes, THAT book... Press it in there. Maybe, you'll see yourself as the flower - pressed with the weight of the world, but held together with hope and inspiration; destined to maintain your soul's beauty for a lifetime. Maybe you'll see that flower as your troubles... You'll press them between the words that instill grace in adversity, and preserve only the blessings that will come from this trial. Either way by preserving the flower this way, you'll be able to revisit it's inspiration again and again.

Day 10. Side splitting laughter. We've all heard it said, "Laughter is good medicine" and it's TRUE! Even if you really aren't feeling it today... switch on your favorite comedian, Youtube "hilarious videos" or "America's funniest home videos", search for funny, or humorous quotes and/or pictures on Pinterest... keep searching and browsing and scrolling until your cheeks are sore and your sides are splitting. You  and your belly will be so very glad that you did!

Day 11. Write down what you love about the people in your life. Sit down with a pen and paper. Write at the top "What I love about the people in my life..." (or similar). Now, every person that comes to mind, write down 3 (+/-) things you love about them... Then, reach out to a few of them by text/Facebook message/email/letter, or give them a call and tell them - "Hey, you came to mind today, and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate_____ about you." This lets you evaluate the front desk of your mind - what folders are at the top of the stack; who is in them; the value of their content... Some will need to be filed, and some will need to be framed and looked at daily. This exercise allows you to do just that. And then, the reaching out by sending your love, gives you the ability to strengthen those ties and gets you out of the isolation you may have been feeling of late.

Day 12. Sit quietly and concentrate on lowering your heart rate. Whenever I feel particularly stressed, instead of getting a stomach ache, I get a heart ache. I feel an ache deep in my heart, all through my chest, and up into my neck. My body is telling me - "Stop feeling this way! You're hurting me!" I have to let my body know that I am listening; that I feel the messages it is sending. Find a place where you won't be disturbed. It needs to be a cool, quiet, and dimly lit place, so you can listen to yourself breath. Slow and steady. Tell your body that you are listening and that you will push that stress outward with every exhale. Find your pulse and concentrate on making it slower and slower. Think of it's rate slowing more and more and more. It will gradually follow your lead. If you are having a hard time feeling every beat, just gently plug your ears. You may be able to hear your heart beating, deep down in your chest. There's no need for you to feel stress inside your body. Push it out, and calm your heart down. You may even find that different pains you may be experiencing can be "thought" away, simply by recognizing them, then pushing them away, and replacing them with what your body remembers about that area when it wasn't in pain. It's a muscle memory exercise of sorts. All of this to inwardly show yourself that you are listening, not ignoring, the messages you've been receiving... You may have to do this time and time again, several times a day even at first, but I believe you will be amazed at how much better you feel after you push that stress outward.

Day 13. List all the people who love you unconditionally and would be there for you if you called. I hope this isn't a short list for you. This doesn't have to mean they would drop everything they were doing, and change their entire life around for you, but if you called them in the middle of the night, no matter the hour, they would be there to listen to you. They'd offer advice (whether you wanted it or not). They'd tell you they loved you, and that you were welcome to call again anytime. Write a list of those people. Sometimes the negativity in our lives wants to blind us from those who really do mean well, and want only the best for us. See the positive in those who love you. Hope for the best in all of them. You wouldn't want to be taken for granted for what you are willing to do for others, and today you are not taking others for granted either.

Day 14. Say "Thank You" to 10 different people. This may sound more like work than soul therapy. But any good psychiatrist will tell you - being thankful is key to lifting your spirit and alleviating stress. So, remember that list you came up with of people who love you unconditionally? Remembering those people, and people who have been there for you throughout your life, who maybe have helped you out of a sticky situation, were there for you when you called... maybe your pastor, or your high school teacher/coach, your best friend, your mom, your siblings or other family members. You may be able to at least think of a few out of that group, and then think bigger... write a "thank you" note to your local ambulance service, police station, post office, lineman crew, nurses, doctors, teachers... your local VA would be thrilled to put up your "Thank You, Veterans!" note on their bulletin board. There are so many people that are there for you when you need them, but often times we forget to make note of it. Not today! Today we appreciate those that are there for us full-time, be it close relations or public servants.  

Day 15. Find simple ways to embellish your life. I like to refer to this as a little bit of "life garnish". You are looking for small, simple, inexpensive ways to bring yourself joy all throughout the day. Little things that won't mean anything to anyone else, but you. I've listed a few of my favorite garnishes here.

Day 16. Swing on a swing. Take a break. Get the load off of your feet. Reset your equilibrium. There's something about the wind in your hair, and reaching for the sky with your toes... You don't have to go death-defyingly high, but tell gravity for about ten minutes, it won't have the power... You're as free as a bird. Let that swing cradle you, give you new height, and propel your focus forward to the good things that are destined to come. Yes, our hips won't fit in the seat as easily as they did when we were 9, and the chains may squeak a bit more than we remember, but don't let that stop your fun. Be fully in the moment with excitement and joy. A porch swing or rocking chair will certainly do as well! Open a window or take the rocking chair outside. Use your imagination. Be that carefree child again with the world and its cares far, far below. Swing until the pain and stress and woes feel differently from when you got on; more manageable, more contained, more external... Remember that no matter what you're going through, the pain of it will not last in it's full intensity forever. You are growing stronger and stronger everyday.      

Day 17. Do "self-pampering" on purpose. You may not have the time or the means to make it to the spa today to get that full-body massage you need, but you will be putting on moisturizer, won't you? Today, do it with intent. Smooth in your favorite moisturizer and oils with care, as a massage. Pin point the pressure points in your hands, neck and temples, even your feet... Take just a few extra minutes to make it count. Is it the right season where you live to walk around barefoot outside? Feel the grass, mud, and rocks between your toes - giving you an organic foot massage. The point is to find inexpensive joys, that you could lavish upon yourself a few times a week. Find things that you aren't spending money on, or eating... Indulgences that are guilt-free through and through. Your soul will thank you for it!

Day 18. Sit in the sun. Soak up that radiant energy, and a healthy dose of vitamin D. What an amazing gift - the sun - full of warmth and light; a giver of healing nutrients. Don't be afraid to sweat. You'll be cleansing your body, and strengthening your immune system... Out with the old and in with the new. All these benefits from simply stepping outside. No need to burn, you can be fully covered if you'd like... Even if it's cool outside, as long as the sun is shining, you'll be able to feel its heat in the car or through a window. The warmth from the sun is able to permeate into the darkest of nights - think on this, as your body rejuvenates its self.  

Day 19. Random acts of kindness. Maybe you feel as though you've already given and given and given. You are spent, spread too thin, unappreciated, and used. This is probably very true. You feel as though, only after you've stopped giving, will anyone notice what you do for them. I'm certain you are right. So today, give yourself the gift of giving to those who will appreciate it. Maybe it's: tea at an elderly person's house, maybe it's supper for a family who could use your encouragement, maybe it's support for someone on You aren't expecting to be appreciated, maybe you'll even do things anonymously if possible. You are doing these things for others, but really you are letting your soul break free from the day-to-day "have to's". If you are unable to easily get around, or financially unable to give to others, there's still a way to heap loads and loads of blessings on countless numbers of people - pray for them. See what miracles transpire. Rejoice in their peace and strength, knowing in your heart, God was blessing your efforts. 
You are getting back to the excitement you once felt with giving unconditionally. You are giving yourself a healthy dose of soulful human decency at it's finest.

Day 20. Reread your favorite childhood storybook. What book delighted your imagination, motivated you to be the best version of yourself, and warmed your heart as a child? Maybe you have tons of stories that come to mind, but maybe there's that one in particular that just sticks out above all the rest... find that one and reread it. Do you want to rediscover yourself again? Do you want to get back to who you were before life, your job, your kids, your spouse... gobbled up your identity? This is a good place to start.

Day 21. Make a Smile pinterest board - even if it is a secret board. Look up "smile", "smiling animals", "smiling babies", etc... After a while of scrolling through, you'll start to feel the corners of your lips uncontrollably pull themselves upward. This is a simple, and instant pick-me-up you can use over and over again. You don't have to pin anything, but chances are you'll come across a few just too cute to pass up!

Day 22. Give yourself some encouragement; Be kind to yourself. Has every self-help or how-to book, blog, or friend, left you feeling inadequate and/or drained? Give yourself some encouragement - you have never lived this life before... Areas where others may seem to have it all-together, rest assured they, to the same extent, have areas of struggle and inadequacies, as well. No one is perfect. No one has lived this day before. Where you are strong, you can help strengthen others, where you are weak, others can strengthen you. You are doing the best you can. You are learning every day. You've come so far from merely a few chapters back. The wrong turns you have taken before only help to outline the road map ahead. You've never lived this day before, so make the most of it - smile! 

Day 23. Picture in your mind something that is beautiful, peaceful, and brings you joy. Maybe it's a beautiful sunset spanning across the entire sky; a tall waterfall that mists when it hits the water below; your favorite color; an enchanting painting... Picture in your mind whatever it is, and then find 10 words to describe it... This sort of concentration allows your mind to focus on something wonderful for as long as possible, releasing positive feelings into the brain, bringing in a new focus and giving you back the control of your own thoughts. If you can strengthen your mind to only allow the thoughts control you that are of YOUR choosing, half the battle is won already.

Day 24. Live in the moment. We live by lists, daily planners, calendar reminders, expiration dates, due dates, on and on and on... This isn't a bad thing and for most it is key to organization, but we may forget to pencil in free-time, joy, laughter, a pause, smelling the roses, gazing at the sunset, watching the rain fall... We figure, all of that will just happen... But often, it just doesn't. If we come across a moment of unclaimed time, we fill it by penciling in the next list of activities and appointments we cannot forget... So today, pencil in time for penciling "stuff" in... and then "live in the moment"... You've taken care of everyone and everything around you, now let it play itself out. Living is not "activity". Living is what gives way to your spark. What inspires you? What takes your breath away? Search for those things today.

Day 25. Put yourself somewhere amazing. Get your passport, buy that plane ticket, take the time off, sit in the sand... Easier said than done, right?! But just because you can't get your physical body to the sandy shores, doesn't mean your soul has to suffer vacationless. Take some time for yourself. Transport your mind to somewhere amazing...This will be easier than meditation, I promise. 
Is it a beautiful beach with warm white sand between your toes; salty ocean air blowing softly against your face? Maybe the water is the perfect color greenish-blue and the waves are lapping at just the perfect tempo... Can you feel it? Can you see it? Can you taste it? Just be there for a while today, as long as your soul needs. This may seem silly, but I for one, can attest to the healing power of a great imagination. It has helped me through the darkest of hours, and I am certain it can do the same for you! 

My hope is that you have found these activities and thoughts, helpful. If you have, use them over and over again - it's good SOUL THERAPY. :)