Sunday, March 27, 2016

Why I probably should be selling Norwex...

When you live in a new housing development during a wet season, you can have ALL the mud you could ever want for free, but grass will cost you extra... 
When your man works an outdoor job that involves kneeling, crawling, laying, and standing in mud... He'll bring home ALL the mud you could ever desire... 
When your kiddo's favorite bakery shop is outside in the nearest mud puddle (where she's the baker of course) you'll get those mud pies served up on a silver plater... a dripping, silver plater... 
When your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat without any dignity at all, she will bring you every last bit of mud your little heart could ever ask for...

Oh mud. You learn to love it, and then you buy Norwex!

The Norwex cloths and the micro cleaning Hand Pads have got me out of a pickle a time or two, plus a thousand... When the boss man/landlord calls up and says he'll be dropping by the next day, and you've taken a "happy kid, not-so-spotless home" approach to housecleaning during the muddy season... one might just panic - but not if you've got Norwex! 
When your husband comes home after a long, strenuous day on the job, his hands are full of everything he has had to tote back and forth from work, and he uses his mud covered boots to push the door closed...every day... your door starts to take on this rustic, wild west, art speckled... 
Dirty; it looks dirty, ok?!!!;) 
 I don't mind really. Who am I to complain about a little splatter when he's been drenched in it for over 12 hours... 
But when it comes to cleaning it up, I sure am not going to be dragging out a bucket of hot bleach water, a rag, my dish gloves, and scrubbing until my neck is sore and my elbows are dripping 
- no sir-y. 
I am going to wet down my chemical free Micro Cleaning Hand Pad from Norwex and wipe off that mud - in under 2 minutes, easy!   


Oh and the permanent marker on the wall under our dry erase board - soapy water wouldn't cut it, bleach water wouldn't cut it; hiding it was impossible... all of which I, shamelessly, tried...
 But with the Hand pads? Permanent marker doesn't stand a chance! Mmmhmmm, breathe that sigh of relief. That permanent marker is comin' off! 

Same goes for the toaster below... This poor toaster is 11 years old. I got it as a housewarming gift from my parents when I moved into my first apartment... it has seen better days. All the packaging, moving, toasting, it has seen over the years has done a number on it. And I had tried, and tried to scrub this poor thing up... soapy water was a joke; those green scratch sponges only made it look that much worse - nothing I used would polish it up...for years... until I got my Hand Pads in the mail! Now it look brand spankin' new!      



If you think the Hand pads seem cool, you HAVE to hear about the Microfiber cloths!! Trust me, your counter tops, your cupboard doors, your polished furniture, have never looked as good as they will when you use your Norwex cloths on them! No chemicals to drag out, spray on, and then wipe off and wipe off and wipe off until the residue is mostly gone - nope! Just hot water and your cloths - no residue, no water spots - just clean!! And once you've seen how easy the Microfiber cloths make your daily clean up, you will have to order yourself a Window cloth to use. These cloths are not only for your windows, but for your bathroom mirrors as well.
So if your daily, bathroom vanity wipe-down consists of window cleaner, multipurpose cleaner, cleaning gloves, and a couple of rags... you are working waaay too hard! You need a microfiber cloth, and window cloth...  Wanna know how it works chemical free? I thought you might!!;) Check out one of their youtube videos here.

So I should probably be selling Norwex products, because I LOVE them so crazy much... but I'M NOT, so you can take all of the above as a simple, honest to goodness, public service announcement. You need these chemical free products to help make your living environment that much safer and to make your life way more simpler. You won't be disappointed - I promise!! :)

Do you have any questions about the products? I just might be able to help you find the answers, so ask away!!:) 

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