Wednesday, April 20, 2016

5 Helpful Thoughts to Overcome Frustration While Chasing Your Dreams

Sometimes it feels like the road to success is paved with gold for everyone else, but you. All of your energy, talent, willpower, drive - poured into your quest for attaining that dream - and yet here you are again at the base of another gargantuan mountain... You're frustrated. You're nanoseconds away from throwing in the towel and giving up on that dream completely - Wait! Maybe, just maybe these thoughts can help you, too!!

This state of being you're in right now, is only your CURRENT state, not your everlasting state of being -  You are only going to improve. You may have failed a thousand times before, whereby eliminating a thousand ways to fail. Look at how far you've come now! Going over that preceding mountain was not a waste or a misstep, it was part of YOUR journey. If you wouldn't have learned what you learned from that mountain, you would have had to learn it from another... 
Have you spent a thousand hours attempting, practicing, trying, but still missing the mark? Those are hours that had to be spent; they were a deposit that had to be made. Now you are that much further ahead. You are moments away from your next milestone, if you just keep moving forward. 

There's a difference between long-term goals and short-term goals - Are you trying to empty the ocean with a 5 gallon bucket? It won't happen overnight... But could you take that 5 gallon bucket and fill up a small pool? All in a days work! Do you feel like you are choking on your talent? Take smaller bites... You may not be able to learn to paint a "Picasso" overnight, but in a good days work, you could learn to draw some killer stick figures! You've got your google maps zoomed out on the entire country as your long-term goal, now zoom in to the turn by turn roadmap... The outcome will be the same, but the journey will be far less frustrating and much more rewarding. 

The "struggle" gives your product "value" - Think - coal to diamonds; think - pebbles to pearls; think - caterpillar to butterfly; think - Sistine Chapel! It's the struggle that gives your product value. It'll be the struggle that makes you stronger. It's the struggle that sets you apart. There's no cheating, or taking short cuts, just one struggling feat at a time. And no matter what - the struggle is unavoidable. You won't get ANYWHERE if you aren't struggling against anything, even if only struggling against space itself... 

You are unique - Billions of people on the planet, and there's only one with your story, only one with your skill set, only one with your path, only one with your ambition, only one with your character, only one on your journey - and it's YOU! You have something to offer unique from ALL others, because there can only be one you, and you're it! Wear "You" as a mark of distinction. Your meandering journey against the rocks and ridges, raging rivers and babbling brooks have edged away at a shape to create the artwork that is at the heart of who you are. Don’t wish that uniqueness away - embrace it. Let it lift you to higher heights.

There’s a time to be whimsical – The mind, body, and soul can only take so much focused, nose to the grindstone “training”. Every now and then, you have to recalibrate. You have to breathe in the whole experience from another perspective. You have to retrace your steps, your motivations, your hopes… What path led you here, and where is it taking you next? How far will it take you? Does it reach your full potential, or will you need to merge onto another path? Will you get to see everything you want to see on this path or is a detour in order? 
What inspired your dream in the first place will most likely reignite the fire of ambition to propel you towards your goal once more. Start over again from where it was fun, new, and adventurous. Sand off the marred imperfections of doubt and worry and coat on a fresh layer of enthusiasm.

You’ve got this! You’re going to strive forward from one mountaintop to the next, each time gaining a new perspective and a clearer path forward. Don’t give up now – you’ve come too far. Detour; meander… do whatever it takes to keep moving towards your dreams!!

Thanks for reading!! Feel free to comment below - I love to hear your feedback!!

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