Thursday, February 18, 2016

Because Failure Is Not An Option...


Try and fail.

Try and learn and fail.



Try and learn.

Try and learn and then learn some more.

You are your greatest artistic endeavor. When the first brushstroke of a masterpiece is created, it rarely  remains unaffected. The line is strengthened or weakened, straitened or curved, enhanced or done away with completely...But it was never a mistake. It was the start. It led to the next stroke. All art starts as nothing; it's blank, and hollow. The artist has to pull the beauty from within the canvas, shape it, chisel away at it, shade it, imagine life into it... Was it there all along? Did the artist play the locksmith releasing the life within?

You are your greatest artistic endeavor. Nothing you try will ever be a waste, a mistake. One brushstroke will lead to another brushstroke. One step will lead to another step. The lowlights will emphasis the highlights. Learning one thing will enhance your ability to learn another. Be brave - try it. Do you enjoy it? Does it bring you peace? Chisel away at it, shade it... imagine life into it. Learn from it. Try something else. Failure is not an option when you are always learning.       

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