Friday, January 22, 2016

The Water Droplet

This is probably one of my most favorite oil paintings that I have done... the colors seem to just pull you in... It's almost as if you are witnessing a living, moving thing while it remains stationary on the canvas. I wish I were such a fantastic artist that I could toot my own horn about this one with all the pompous air of a professional... but in all honesty I could try to paint this same painting a dozen times over and the chances of it coming out the way I wanted twice in a row... well, lets just say I wouldn't go to Vegas with those odds. So I am grateful to have had the opportunity to witness this piece flow from the paintbrush onto my canvas. The individuality of the singular droplet, into a pool of innumerable droplets, gushes with inspiration to me.

"I don't know the scripture but when I see that one drop I think it's you being planted by YAHWEH and when you fall into those other colors it becomes His Masterpiece. The bloom where you are planted concept." - Nancy Miles

Peaceful, and perfect is the individual droplet... shaped by the surrounding tension; motivated by natures laws. Its purpose though is fleeting, small, and temporary. A vapor in the wind. But when it gives way to its individuality, it's own constrains - beautiful as they be, to join with the body... to flow, to rage, to be a nourishing force, then is its true purpose fulfilled. Is it humility? Is it peace? is it a desire for the greater good? What breaks that tension, releasing that flow? The unending cycle of the nourishing vapor... full of purpose, but more importantly - perspective.      

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