Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Written Words

The incredible power of the written word... power to inspire, to motivate, to spark passion, to invoke a tear, to instruct, to manipulate, to turn the tide... All throughout history, authority was given to the one who held the power of written words. From the ancient scrolls to the Declaration of Independence, written words have proven invaluable. Hostile takeovers of a generation usually begin with the burning or changing of that nation's literature... burn the Bibles, burn the propaganda, burn the history - outlaw the way of "thought"...

 Nameless, faceless, connectionless information given in ticker tape fashion, barely warrants the emotion of a raised eyebrow. But the story of a character with relatable flaws and struggles, passions and fears, triumphs and admonitions... the character's hopes become the reader's hopes; the character's will becomes the reader's will; the personification of a fictional or historical figure saturates the soul of the reader. The words between the lines, and the unfinished thoughts of an open ended chapter, become the deep breath behind the unseen smile and the next brave step forward.    

 Read them all, dive in deep. No skimming, or thumbing through... take it in, learn from it. Put to memory the best of it. Quote the quotable. Let your saturated soul soar with the wealth of an uncontainable thought. Climb the mountains, and claim the victories... see the whole world as it truly is through the power of written words.            

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